The mind is the king of the senses, but the breath is the king of the mind.
— BKS Iyengar

The fundamental principles of performance breathing rest on three pillars;




Poor posture and breathing patterns greatly inhibit our ability to create and use energy efficiently.

The breath also plays a central role in how our nervous system organises itself and therefore how we express our athletic potential.

We must learn to use our physiology in accordance with the way it was designed to maximise performance.

Outcomes include;

• Understanding importance of nasal breathing

• Achieving effective diaphragmatic breathing

• Breathing & bracing for sports performance




Without conscious control of our thoughts, feelings and emotions we are destined to react automatically to the ups and downs of life.

Our breath sits at the intersection of our biology and our psychology.

Learning to use the breath to take control of our mental and emotional state is the key to creativity, decision making and better mental health.

Outcomes include;

• Autonomic nervous system control

• Understand the impact of ‘over breathing’

• Downregulation for recovery and relaxation




More is not always better, and the conventional advice to “take a big breath” can actually undermine performance.

Understanding the processes that govern how our bodies produce energy is essential to maximising health and sports performance.

Learn the latest techniques to incorporate into your training to immediately improve aerobic efficiency, output and recovery.

Outcomes include;

• Importance of Co2 tolerance

• Apnoea (breath hold) training

• Simulation of high altitude training


We apply our techniques in the following unique proving grounds;